In a previous post I walked you through how to get apache superset up and running together with Azure Database for PostgreSQL and Azure Redis Cache. In this post I will walk you through getting the superset container up in Azure App Service for linux. I will explain to you the following steps:
First, we will need to create an app service plan, and a webapp.
#create appservice plan
az appservice plan create --name supersetplan --resource-group superset_tryout --sku S1 --is-linux
#create webapp
az webapp create --resource-group superset_tryout --plan supersetplan --name supersettryout --multicontainer-config-type compose --multicontainer-config-file docker-compose.yml
This second line will create a web app in Azure based on your docker-compose file. The docker-compose file looks like this:
version: '3'
image: gittetitter/superset:1
restart: always
- "8088:8088"
- ./
(As you can notice in the docker-compose file I switched to my own docker container, that I published to docker hub. The only change I made here was an updated version of the werkzeug library. I switched this to version 0.14. I needed this update somewhere along the way, but I can’t remember what the error was I was trying to fix.)
This setup works, more or less, however, notice the volume mapping which is in there. This will not work in app service, since the file is not there. So the superset service will have no config to start from. To fix this, we can map a storage container to our app service.
#create storage account
az storage account create --name supersettryout --resource-group superset_tryout
#create storage container
az storage container create --name superset --account-name supersettryout
az storage blob upload-batch -d superset --account-name supersettryout --account-key "yadayadathekey" -s F:\dev\github\superset\examples\gitte_postgres --pattern *.py
Now that we have a storage container with our file, we can associate this container to our app service.
#attach storage account to webapp
az webapp config storage-account add --resource-group superset_tryout --name supersettryout --custom-id CustomId --storage-type AzureBlob --share-name superset --account-name supersettryout --access-key "yadadadathekey" --mount-path /etc/superset
The tricky parts of this command are:
Now you can alter your docker-compose file to use this storage:
version: '3'
image: gittetitter/superset:1
restart: always
- "80:8088"
- CustomId:/etc/superset
So in the volumes parameter, you use the –custom-id and the –mount-path again.
Last step is update your web app:
az webapp config container set --resource-group superset_tryout --name supersettryout --multicontainer-config-type compose --multicontainer-config-file docker-compose.yml
And that should get it all up and running.